Someone once said, "An optimist is someone who falls off of the Empire State Building and after 50 floors says, "So far, so good!" Somehow at the ripe old age of 4, my perspective on life was just that........ "So far, so good!" Little did I know that some 40 plus years later I would recall details from that time and link them to what I now know was the beginning of my testimony of faith in Jesus Christ.
In the late 1960's, my Mother owned a gift shop in our small town of Haleyville, Alabama, named "The Royal Barge." A Royal Barge is a ceremonial barge used by monarchs for processions and transports on a body of water. These ceremonies of royal and often religious significance have been taking place for over 700 years. The only noted processions I recall in "The Royal Barge Gift Shop" included a body of water from my tears as I hesitantly returned any and every item I had taken from the shop that I thought I could not live without. Somehow I did not grasp the concept that my mother was working daily to earn money from the items she sold in the store. In my 4 year old brain, "The Royal Barge" existed for the transportation of toys from the shelves to my bedroom.
Through the brilliance of my Mother's marketing efforts at the shop, "bridal registry" in Haleyville was born and remains today as one of our most impressive community outreach projects. Her insight ignited the formation of some of the most elaborate and notable social events of this century. Every bride and/or groom fortunate enough to be born in "The Free State of Winston" is feted with a tea or coffee in an attempt to set them up for housekeeping. Not to mention, the food served at these famous events is to die for. Haleyvillian women diet for weeks in anticipation of the array of food offered by the best cooks the south has ever raised. One thing I've never understood is why we insist on trying to pack a sample of each cuisine, in most cases at least 30 choices, onto a 6" plastic plate. Not only is the circumference too small, but the sheer weight of all that cream cheese alone is too heavy for the most durable of plastics. After gorging, gossiping, and gifting for upwards of two hours, the men, including the honorary groom, of our fair city are called upon to pack and load. Pack the china and crystal delicately and load it with ease lest they desire the hissy fit that would ensue from the hostesses should one box be dropped. All out war is declared should one gift tag be removed from the gift without the proper description of said gift with details enabling the bride to write a suitable and timely thank you! Why in the world would any male subject himself to such scrutiny right in the middle of their Sunday afternoon nap or last hole of the PGA tournament on the Golf Channel? Two simple explanations overtake their need for sleep or sports. For those brave men and boys willing to risk life and limb at one of our hen gatherings, leftovers abound AND the plates get bigger!! I cannot confirm this, but I have been told that some have even been blessed with take-out on occasion.
In addition to the great selection of wedding gifts offered at "The Royal Barge" my mom was privileged to be the first to sell "Hallmark" products and cards within a 60 mile radius of our area and she should be duly noted as the pioneer of the "thinking global and buying local" campaign trending in today's economy. She sold every form of creative genius inspired by our residents that her shelves and walls could hold. "The Royal Barge" of Haleyville was indeed a unique establishment housed at the end cap of The Quick Shop strip mall. If you have ever lived in Haleyville you know where The Quick Shop is and chances are you have given many a direction to foreigners using this historic local landmark as a reference.
Every day the shop was open for business, I spent my mornings helping my Mother greet customers. My afternoons were filled with normal 4 year old activities such as attending half day private kindergarten at Mrs. Joe and Mrs. Billie's. Private kindergarten sounded so important I could not resist using the term, but the truth is if a child attended kindergarten in the late 1960's; it was private. No such animal existed in the public school system. I spent three of the best years of my life under the big oak trees of Mrs. Joe's yard on 15th Avenue, frequently digging to China and making flower bracelets from clovers. Yes, three years because my mother was friends with both teachers and she insisted that I was a child prodigy convincing them to enroll me as a student at age 3. Honestly, my mother needed a break. I cried all day because my older brother, Curly, was in big school and her only choice was to take me to work with her. If not for Mrs. Joe and Mrs. Billie's willingness to accept me, I would have run off the other half of the patrons who remained loyal despite my incessant talking.
As if my help was not enough, Mother often hired part-time employees during the peak times of the year. One morning business was slow and I found myself talking to Marilyn. Marilyn not only worked for us, she also attended the same church. During our conversation, Marilyn asked, "Do you just love everybody?" I have no idea why she asked, but of course I was quick to answer, "Yes ma'am, I sure do. I even love the devil!!!" She was horrified and immediately told me not to say such things. I simply responded in 4 year old fashion by saying, "Well, he hasn't got me yet!" I can just see myself looking in the mirror admiring my recent new shag hair-do sassing about with the attitude, "So far, so good." At 4, I was correct. So far, my life was very good. No trials, no tribulations, no sin. At least I was not at the age of accountability. I really thought all of those things I took from Mother's store belonged to our family. I did not know someone had to pay for them. I did not have a clue I was stealing. I also did not understand the words I had spoken concerning Satan. At this age, any knowledge of the devil was a little red man in a red suit with a large fork. My world consisted of playing dolls with my friends, enjoying summers at the beach with my family, and spending holidays at my Mama Chriser's, where she and my aunts prepared meals second to none. I did not have to count calories, money, or time.
Speaking of time, it sure does fly and if you have stayed with me this long, I'm certain you have supper on the stove or supper to eat, kids to bathe, or garbage to take out. Please visit "The Local" again soon to read the ongoing stories of "So Far, So Good." I promise to share a little about how the devil did "get me", MUCH more about how Jesus rescued me time and time again, and prayerfully provide insight through God's Word about how He has given us all the answers we will ever need for Spiritual battles. Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and hide God's precious Word in your heart daily. Though the battles may seem tough, The Armor of God is more powerful than any scheme of the devil. Suit up my friends and be blessed in the name of Jesus!